Ev nova plugin sell mass retool
Ev nova plugin sell mass retool

ev nova plugin sell mass retool

The trick does have its drawbacks, however. Even if they are unable to, the space gained is often significant and allows for many more outfits than otherwise possible.

Ev nova plugin sell mass retool free#

This will result in a ship getting an extra 220 tons of free mass if they are able to buy all the expansions and retools. Finally, the player should sell the Cargo Expansions. Expansions should be bought last because they are the least efficient only up to 50 tons of free mass for 75 tons of cargo space. Retools should be bought next as they can grant up to 70 tons of free mass for 82 tons of cargo space. The Sigma Mass Expansion should be bought first as it grants 100 tons of free mass for 120 tons of cargo space, the equivalent of ten Mass Retools.

ev nova plugin sell mass retool

Seven Mass Retools (five in Federation space, two in Polaris) and.Once they have fitted as many Cargo Expansions as possible into their ship, they should attempt to purchase mass expansions and retools in the following order: If the player is unable to put five Cargo Expansions on their ship, they should buy more as soon as space permits (75 tons of free mass are needed for all five). Next, they need to purchase two Sigma Mass Additions to maximize total free mass, after which they need to purchase as many Cargo Expansions ( NOTE: NOT Cargo Retools these cannot be sold and therefore do not work with the trick) as possible.

ev nova plugin sell mass retool

To perform the trick in the most optimum manner, the player first needs to completely empty their ship of all outfits that take up mass, such as weapons. Finally, Vell-os, Krypt, Wraith, and Hyperioid ships cannot perform the trick since they cannot purchase any type of expansion or retool, though they have little use for those since they can only purchase Marine Platoons. Furthermore, although extremely rare, a ship that cannot get at least 12 tons of cargo with cargo expansions is also unable to perform it. In addition, the trick cannot be utilised by any ship that does not have at least 15 tons of free mass with two Sigma Mass Additions, as that ship is unable to fit a Cargo Expansion. The trick will not work on any ship with 279 or more tons of cargo, as that ship will be able to buy the Sigma Mass Expansion, seven Mass Retools, and five Mass Expansions, as they have enough cargo space to eliminate the need for it. The Mass Trick is an in-game exploit involving Cargo Expansions and various outfits that grant the player more mass than the game allows for that ship by default.

Ev nova plugin sell mass retool